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Friday, May 27, 2022

Mass Formation Phenomenon (Excerpt)


Professor Mattias DeSmet

Virginie De Araujo Recchia:  Thank you very much, Professor DeSmet, it was really, really interesting and I would like to make some observation. Throughout the current crisis it would seem that the goal has been to consciously disable our senses, look down, masks, social distancing, has led to the absence of tenderness, touching, smiles, and all the energies that generate the highest vibrations. This leads to a psychological as well as a physical disease, since we know, for example, that touching is very important in order to acquire a certain balance. Only low, raw emotions are allowed and we can observe a real submission, the collective depression. As you say, it’s a perfect narrative, knowing that the virus is an invisible enemy which allows to increase the paranoia.  I am personally very concerned about the new generations with the use of masks, isolation, adult anxiety propagated by the mass media.  As you explained very well, the mass formation can lead parents to accept such treatment toward their own children. Then the new technologies have come to increase the distance from spirituality. Do you agree on this point?  If technology can replace spirituality?

Prof. Desmet:  Technology has replaced spirituality---I believe rational understanding has replaced spirituality to a certain extent, yes.  Technology can be used to spread information, also [information] about spirituality, I think, but then ---this is also described in my book--- technology destroys the resonance between people ---that’s for sure.  The use of technology is perfect to spread information around the world, perfect, but it destroys the core, the human core of human interactions.  It stops the resonance. There is a little bit of resonance when a conversation is digitalized, but much less than in a real conversation. 

So technology is, in my opinion, the industrialization and the technology use, together with this rationalist, mechanist thinking, the real cause of mass formation and totalitarianism. It’s the real cause.  The ultimate cause has to be situated in the tradition of the Enlightenment and the fanatic belief in Rationality as the Guiding Principle of human existence.

That’s an illusion. And all the great scientists pointed in that direction [of the illusion].  They all left this rationalist view of man in the world, and claimed that only a very small part of reality can be understood in a rational way, and that for the rest, we can only know reality by empathically resonating with it.

So, the ultimate cause of mass formation and totalitarianism ---but it would take us too long --- too far to explain this now--- but in a series of steps you can really understand, that both in the development of the elite, and the development of the psychological conditions in the masses, in the population,  it is the use, it’s the rationalization in the world, the industrialization of the world and the use of technology, that is the real cause why both the elite and population evolved in a way that prepared it for totalitarian dominance.

                                                                  & & &

The entire planet, all of our nations and societies, are experiencing Mass Formation.

It is identical to Mass Hypnosis.

It is a collective phenomenon that has happened many times in the past, especially in times of revolution, totalitarianism, fascism, and nazism.

We need to understand this phenomenon because we are in the midst of it.

Here is a good resource from the Court of Public Opinion:

Grand Jury Day 7 - Psychology & Propaganda | Closing arguments

A group of international attorneys and a judge are conducting a criminal investigation modeled on the grand jury proceedings to present to the public all available evidence of past crimes against humanity related to Covid-19 of the "leaders, organizers, instigators, and accomplices" who assisted in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic. This investigation is of the people, by the people, and for the people, so YOU can be part of the jury.

By presenting a complete picture of the factual situation, including the geopolitical and historical background, the trial aims to raise awareness of the collapse of the current hijacked system and its institutions.

Livestream links & more:

1 comment:

Resetyourselffirst said...

Let's THINK now...

What does that fact, in conjunction with tons of similar evidence, mean really? What does it squarely point to? What is the TRUE FINAL implication of all that?

ACTIVE resistance against the criminal establishments around the world will greatly increase the sooner someone TRULY understands that the ruling cabal and their minions (in governments, big corporations, etc), anywhere around the globe, are PSYCHOPATHS -- the evidence is OVERWHELMING and TOTALLY IRREFUTABLE (see “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room”... (or go to w w w d o t CovidTruthBeKnown d o t c o m).

WHEN, if ever, will YOU (and nearly everyone else) decide to wake up to the ULTIMATE DEPTH of the rabbit hole (rather than remain blissfully ignorant and play victim)?

By "TRULY understands" I mean that Hollywood flicks and the corrupt entertainment industry at large have presented a deliberately erroneous picture of psychopaths which keeps the public misinformed about what and who psychopaths really are (eg most psychopaths are not overtly violent) but they are ALWAYS exploiters, deceivers, liars, manipulators, and destroyers (the Highly Destructive Fake Covid "Pandemic" is ONE fitting example out of countless others) and therefore they are NOT people to ever respect, listen to, admire, vote for, follow and obey BUT to ACTIVELY fight and jail for life (see cited source above).

““We’re all in this together” is a tribal maxim. Even there, it’s a con, because the tribal leaders use it to enforce loyalty and submission. ... The unity of compliance.” --- Jon Rappoport, Investigative Journalist