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Sunday, December 30, 2018

El último día de 2018 - Last day of 2018

En realidad, en Filipinas ya faltan pocas horas para que llegue el 1ro de enero de 2019.
Actually, in my country in just a few hours it will be 1 January 2019.

He estado viendo videos sobre el español en Filipinas, hechos por españoles.

I've been watching videos by Spanish videographers, on the Spanish language in the Philippines.

Hay entrevistas con Filipinos que todavía hablan castellano, y cuentan sus memorias.
There are interviews with Filipinos who still speak Spanish, telling their memories.

A partir del 7:57 se presenta a Ana, mestiza filipino-catalana que vive en Bacolod y tiene una plantación de azúcar, parece ser una ser humana amorosísima.
Starting at 7:57 they interview Ana, of a Catalonian father and Filipina mother, who lives in Bacolod and runs a sugar plantation. She seems to be a wonderful human being.

Y justo ahora vi un video en España, en Madrid, acerca de la comunidad filipina.  Muy bonito.
And just now I saw a video in Spain, in Madrid, on the Filipino community, very nice.

No puedo evitar pensar en estos temas.
I cannot help but think of these things.

Veo que los filipinos que viven en España tienen mayor consciencia de su cultura y se sienten a gusto en el entorno. Los veo más relajados y sobre todo da gusto escuchar a la juventud expresarse con viveza, con personalidad definida.
I see that the Filipinos who live in Spain have more awareness of their culture and they feel at ease in their environment. I have the impression that they are more relaxed, above all I like hearing the young people express themselves with vivaciousness, with a defined personality.

I love Chile but it's a difficult society.

Yo amo Chile pero esta sociedad es difícil.

In general, Latin America is a cruel continent.
En términos generales, América Latina es un continente cruel.

Filipinas es un lugar adormecido, te pone letárgico, embobado, con mucha facilidad.  Te penetra una lasitud, no es muy propicio para pensar, moverse.  Yo vivía en una burbuja. No me daba cuenta de nada.

Filipinas is a sleepy place, it makes you lethargic, you get stupid very easily.  You are overcome by lassitude, it isn't very stimulating for thought, or for moving around, being active.  I lived inside a bubble there. I had no idea of anything at all.

Me vine a Chile y pronto empecé a sentir la santa indignación.  Me daba rabia ver el maltrato, la displicencia, la arrogancia mal disimulada de los poderosos (por ej., los carabineros), me desesperaba como la gente no se manifestaba, no decía lo que pensaba ni lo que les pasaba.  El malestar estaba en el aire pero todos como que eran artistas en la autoevasión.  
I arrived in Chile and very soon I started to feel indignant, shocked. I felt angry at how badly people treated other people, how contemptuous they could be, how the powerful acted with thinly disguised arrogance (for ex., the military police), it drove me mad, watching how people wouldn't reveal or express themselves, they didn't say what they thought or what they were going through. There was a malaise in the air, thick enough to cut with a knife, but they were all artists at playing dumb.  Really good at pretending.

Muchas reglas, prohibiciones tácitas, mucha inhibición.
Lots of rules here, tacit prohibitions, inhibitions.

I learned hard lessons.  I was punished for saying what I thought, for not accepting ill treatment, for refusing to kow-tow.  The price is solitude, and I pay it gladly.
Aprendí duras lecciones. Fui castigada por decir lo que pensaba, por no aceptar el maltrato, por rehusar rebajarme. El precio es la soledad, y lo pago gustosa.

But ---there are good people here too.  Or else it would be intolerable.

Sin embargo, hay gente buena acá también. De otro modo no sería soportable.

Tal vez digo lo anterior de Filipinas porque los años que viví allí eran los de mi niñez y juventud, sin preocupaciones.

Maybe it's just because I was a kid in the Philippines, without any worries.

En cambio, en Chile he pasado tiempos difíciles, muy contrastados con los años vividos en EEUU donde llevé una vida muy sencilla, libre de problemas económicos, rodeada de gente que pensaba como yo, que tenían conductas que yo sabía interpretar y que me hacían sentido.

 In Chile on the other hand, I've known difficult times, in stark contrast with the easy life I led in the States, where I had no financial worries, I was surrounded by people who thought like me, who acted in ways that I understood and made sense to me.

However, Chile has given me the most incredible things.  Through the culture shock, the enforced aloneness, and the life changes that forced me to discover inner resources I never suspected were there, I found out what I really was made of, what truly makes me happy, and what was just smoke and mirrors.

Sin embargo, Chile me ha dado las cosas más increíbles.  Gracias al choque cultural, la soledad forzada y los cambios de vida que me han obligado a descubrir recursos internos que no sospechaba que tenía en lo más hondo de mi ser, descubrí de qué soy hecha, qué es lo que realmente me hace feliz, y diferenciar estas cosas de lo otro --las quimeras, los cuentos de hadas de mi engañada juventud.

Bueno, es tarde y me voy a dormir.  Buenas noches y como siempre, gracias por tu atención, por prestarme un oído.

It's late and I must hit the sack.  Goodnight and, as always, thank you for listening.

Image result for sleeping cat

Friday, December 28, 2018

Haré una pausa / Time Out

Estimad@s / Dear Ones,

After an extended hiatus for reasons of work (the sweat of one's brow sort), I am returning to my study of a difficult work on the economy of Hispanic Philippines -- the proposals of Gregorio Sanciangco Goson on how new sources of domestic revenue could be created through taxation of the wealthy.  The tax burden was being shouldered exclusively by the native Filipino peasantry, the native working class, and native, Chinese/mixed-race Chinese middle class (small and medium-sized business owners).  The Spanish, foreign companies and large real estate or fixed asset owners (the religious orders being the most important landowners at the time),  rural and urban, were exempt from taxation.

I did promise to deliver the final bit on La Loba Negra and I will do in the next few days.

Image result for new year's eve 2019Until then, enjoy your New Year's Eve celebrations and let's look forward to a very positive 2019, no matter what Life brings, good and not-so-good, because Life always knows when to kick your butt and when to serve you an Italian gelato.  She never misses!


Después de un paréntesis algo dilatado por razones de trabajo (del tipo "por el sudor de la frente"), vuelvo a mi estudio de un trabajo difícil sobre la economía de las Filipinas hispanas --las propuestas de Gregorio Sanciangco Goson sobre cómo crear nuevas fuentes de ingresos internos mediante la tributación de los propietarios ricos, en lugar de que la carga tributaria fuera soportada únicamente por el campesinado nativo, la clase trabajadora y los pequeños empresarios filipinos nativos, chinos y sangleyes.  Las empresas españolas, extranjeras y los grandes propietarios de bienes inmuebles o activos fijos (las órdenes religiosas siendo los mayores terratenientes de la época), tanto rurales como urbanos, estaban exentos de tributación.

Prometí entregar la parte final de La Loba Negra y lo haré en los próximos días.

Image result for new year's eve 2019Hasta entonces, que disfruten de sus celebraciones de Año Nuevo y esperemos un 2019 muy positivo, no importa lo que la Vida traiga, buenas cosas y no tan buenas, porque la Vida siempre sabe cuándo patearnos el trasero y cuándo servirnos un helado italiano.  ¡Ella siempre acierta!

Un Abrazo Grandotote  Image result for new year's eve 2019

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Just a passing Christmas thought

Image result for galaxies images

(Nota Bene:  I have added new material to Chilean and Filipino History.)

If an opera has been created inspired by Padre Burgos' novel, that's good, it means it is still in the consciousness of artists. However, nobody speaks about the context.  The work of art is a dual creation:  (1) the visible product, and (2) the invisible experience of the artist -- the social and historical process.

When you share the iceberg of a work of art, the experience is qualitatively different than if you see the work of art purely as an experience in the moment.  All Filipinos may have heard of Rizal or read the English translation of the Noli, but without the context, it will not mobilize any profound register, it will not create _connections_ that have the power to change the vision of oneself in the world, and of others.

If I emphasize that the Spanish friar orders covered up their crimes by suppressing or destroying historical records, is it because I am anti-religion or an atheist?  Of course not.  In the 1990s I came across a paper written by a Spanish historian priest and there was a line in there that for all the statements about the evil deeds of the religious orders, there is no historical documentation.

Well, the murder of Governor General Fernando Bustamante y Bustillo is certainly documented. 

A prose collection (Obras Literarias, Libro II, Prosa por José Rizal, Edición del Centenario, Manila, Comisión del Centenario de José Rizal, 1961, Apéndices, "El concubinato de doña Olalla de Rojas y Justina Tolentina con los Agustinos Fr. Francisco de Victoria y Fr. Juan de Torres", sin fecha, 296), includes a historical document that Rizal had copied down as a student, the proceedings of the trial in 1650 of two Augustinian friars who had been living in concubinage with two Filipina women, when Diego Faxardo-Andrés de Gálvez was governor general of the archipelago.

Modern Spanish historians study the economics, the relations between the Church and the colonial administration, but they leave out the documentation on the microhistory and the writings of the Hispanic Filipino political radicals (here I include Padre Burgos) -- because it is really us, the Filipino scholars, who should go back, read their writings and reconstruct that microhistory, the history of mentality, of the Hispanic Filipino interiority, for modernity.  The Spanish historians aren't interested in that, apart from the writings of José Rizal, reprintings and academic studies (philology, literary criticism).

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This "discovery" (I read the document, thinking at first that it was a fictional work, then to my surprise realized it was a court document copied down by a young student) of Rizal's obsession with reconstructing the past struck a chord in me.  In 2004 I learned that there were some Filipiniana books in the Budge Library, a collection housed in Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, and for several months I went there to copy down the Jagor book and this jewel:

El Tribunal
Santo Oficio de la Inquisición
en las
Islas Filipinas

J.T. Medina

Santiago de Chile
Imprenta Elzeviriana


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The Tribunal of the Holy Inquisition in the Philippine Islands by eminent Chilean historian and filipinologist José Toribio Medina.

Image result for jose toribio medinaImage result for jose toribio medina(1852-1930)  Expert on the colonial history of Filipinas, especially the history of the printing press.  Had a huge collection of priceless manuscripts and first edition books, and thank God the Republic of Chile still has not lost its respect for its cultural treasures.  He became good friends with Retana in Madrid, after self-exiling to Spain after the 1890 revolution in Chile which culminated in the suicide of President Balmaceda (a precursor of Salvador Allende -- Balmaceda wanted to modernize Chile's economic base and the Catholic Church and right wing breast-beating aristocracy defeated him).

This is the Sala Medina in the Biblioteca Nacional where I go and copy materials whenever I can (which has been impossible for a few years now). The first picture is at a weird angle: taken from the floor, so you can see the _gorgeous_ tables and chairs too.  Everything is made of wood and metal.  No plastic, no acrylic.

Image result for jose toribio medinaImage result for jose toribio medina

The reconstruction of that lost history, insofar as we the Filipinos of the 20th-21st centuries are concerned, as the inheritors of the neocolonial American regime's nearly completely successful attempt to erase it by taking away the language it is written in, is a SACRED OBLIGATION.  We must RESTORE the historical continuity that was RUPTURED, and that continues to have grave consequences for the PRESENT and therefore, for the future.

I mean, we have got to reconnect the broken, ripped-apart social fabric, the memory of a time when the Filipino psyche was imbued with the WILL to UNION, LIBERATION and SPIRITUAL REBIRTH.

And this is a huge job that will provide homework, employment, cultural productions for the generations of the foreseeable future.  Man oh man, it is a Motherlode.

Our ancestors are pointing to that North Star.

Image result for north star

I for one believe that I am not the only crazy person who feels this, because each and every nation is a collective CONSCIOUSNESS,  consciousness is ENERGY,  energy is INTELLIGENT, and energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed.  ENERGY IS WHOLE.  When it is fragmented by men and women who are in contradiction, alienation, obsession with power, dead matter, enslaved by ego, the ENERGY SICKENS.  And sickens everything.  I for one do not like sick energy.  I was born to it, raised in it, and I could never sleep the sleep of the living dead.  I ran away.  And now I'm moseying back.....virtually.  You don't have to run away like I did.  I've done my part and the Universe has got me woke.  The Universe wants you woke and the Mountain has gone to Mohammed. I'm just a messenger.

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My Christmas wish for my fellow Filipinos is this. To follow our True North.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Back to La Loba Negra / De vuelta a Itim na Asu

I.  Some Historical Background Info / Algunos antecedentes históricos

This is information provided in Luciano de la Rosa's 1958 publication of the novel and thankfully, a lot of information on its author, Padre Burgos, the executions of the three Filipino priests in 1872, accused of involvement in the Cavite Mutiny that year, and some rather confusing information on the trial documents, and a series of characters, who sound to me as if they were Spanish Filipinos living in the Philippines, who, at different times throughout almost 100 years, would pick up pieces of information and write them down, thankfully.  Wow, what a run-on sentence.

Esta es la información proporcionada en la publicación de Luciano de la Rosa de 1958 de la novela que viene, afortunadamente, con bastante información sobre su autor, el Padre Burgos, las ejecuciones de los tres sacerdotes filipinos en 1872, acusados de estar involucrados en el motín de Cavite ese año, y datos bastante confusos sobre los documentos del juicio y una serie de personajes, que me suenan como si fuesen filipinos españoles que vivieron en Filipinas, y que, en distintos momentos a lo largo de casi 100 años, recogieron y escribieron, afortunadamente, la información que caía en sus manos.  Vaya la oración kilométrica.

It is a fact that we Filipinos don't know our own history because it has been, in and of itself, a history that the Spanish friars tried to destroy so that their criminal actions would not see the light.

Es un hecho que los filipinos no conocemos nuestra propia historia porque ha sido, en sí misma, una historia que los frailes españoles trataron de destruir para que sus acciones criminales no vieran la luz.

And when the American regime was established, they were naturally not at all interested in anything more than creating a black legend about the Spanish colonial period, to convince an ignorant people (who was not ignorant), tired of war, famine, death, that it was best to close the door on all that and look forward to a happy future.  On their terms.

Y cuando se estableció el régimen norteamericano, naturalmente no estaban interesados en nada más que en crear una leyenda negra sobre el período colonial español, para convencer a un pueblo ignorante (no lo era), cansado de la guerra, el hambre, la muerte, de que era mejor cerrar la puerta a todo eso y esperar un futuro feliz.  Bajo sus términos.

The switch from Spanish to English served this purpose perfectly. 

El cambio del español al inglés sirvió perfectamente ese propósito. 

The execution of the three Filipino secular priests was the result of a trial based on false testimony.  The information in La Loba Negra is difficult to understand in several places because there are also a lot of typographic and grammatical errors in the document, plus the narrative is vague or ambiguous in several places.  The star witness against Burgos was a man named Zaldúa who, if he didn't live in a convent of the Recollects, certainly spent a lot of time with them.  And he was said to look very similar to Burgos.  And so it was possible that he disguised himself as Burgos and was in secret political meetings and other "subversive" situations where people believed he was Burgos and later testified that they had seen Burgos do this and say that. During the trial Zaldúa was summoned to testify and pleading illness (he was in the Recollect convent) did not go.  It is even said in the document that he was believed to have been the great-grandson of Charlotte Corday!!!  Corday was the young woman, a French revolutionary, who took it upon herself to go to Marat's house and kill him while he was sitting in his bath, writing some sort of political statement.  She was arrested, imprisoned, and sentenced to death by guillotine.  After her execution her body was examined and she was found to have died a virgin.  So it was impossible for her to have been Zaldúas grandma, unless you know, Divine Intervention did some rather complicated in the death of JFK and the shenanigans with his body and that of the policeman who was his lookalike that they accused Oswald of killing too.  But that's another story.

 Image result for charlotte corday french revolutionImage result for charlotte corday french revolution

 La ejecución de los tres sacerdotes seculares filipinos fue el resultado de un juicio basado en un falso testimonio.  La información en La Loba Negra es difícil de entender en varios lugares porque también hay muchos errores tipográficos y gramaticales en el documento, además la narrativa adolece de imprecisiones y ambigüedad en varias partes.  El testigo estrella contra Burgos fue un hombre llamado Zaldúa que, si no vivía en un convento de los recoletos, ciertamente pasaba mucho tiempo con ellos.  Y se dice que se parecía mucho a Burgos.  Así fue posible que se disfrazara de Burgos y estuviera en reuniones políticas secretas y otras situaciones "subversivas" en las que la gente creía que era Burgos y más tarde testificó que había visto a Burgos hacer esto y decir lo otro. Durante el juicio Zaldúa fue citado a testificar y no acudió alegando enfermedad (estaba en el convento recoleto).  Incluso se dice en el documento que se creía que era bisnieto de Charlotte Corday.  Corday era la joven revolucionaria francesa que se encargó de ir a la casa de Marat y matarlo mientras él estaba sentado en su baño, escribiendo algún tipo de declaración política.  Fue arrestada, encarcelada y sentenciada a muerte por guillotina.  Después de su ejecución, su cuerpo fue examinado y se descubrió que había muerto virgen.  Así que era imposible para ella haber sido la bisabuela de Zaldúa, salvo si la Intervención Divina haya hecho  una maniobra bastante complicada... como sucedió con el asesinato de JFK y las travesuras que los conspiradores hicieron con su cadáver y con el del policía que se veía muy parecido a él y que acusaron a Oswald de haber matado también mientras los policías lo perseguían inmediatamente después del asesinato del presidente.  Pero esa es otra historia.

In the end, the defense attorney asked that Zaldúa be accused and tried along with his three defendants.

Al final, el abogado defensor pidió que Zaldúa fuera acusado y enjuiciado junto a sus tres defendidos.

This is also highly suspicious to me.  The friars wanted Zaldúa dead as well, after he had done his job.
 Esto también me parece muy sospechoso.  Los frailes también querían a Zaldúa muerto, después de que él hubiera hecho su trabajo.

After the executions, and there were many --the Spanish officers and mestizos and natives who carried out the revolt were executed as well, but not garroted, i.e., not humiliated publicly. There were Filipino intellectuals ordered banished from the Philippines for the rest of their lifetimes-- Filipinas seemed to go back to her centuries-long sleep.

Después de las ejecuciones, y hubo muchos, los oficiales españoles, mestizos y nativos que llevaron a cabo la revuelta también fueron ejecutados, pero no estrangulados, es decir, no humillados públicamente. Hubo intelectuales filipinos a los que se ordenó desterrar de Filipinas por el resto de sus vidas--Filipinas parecía volver a su estado de adormecimiento secular.

Image result for cavite mutiny"Paciano Rizal fue testigo del evento y lo mencionó a su hermano José".

A revolutionary generation was growing up, was all.  Rizal was 11 when the priests were executed. Paciano, his only brother, 10 years older, had been taught by Padre Burgos.  Paciano lived in Padre Burgos' house (not in Vigan, I believe, but in Manila).

Una generación revolucionaria crecía, era todo.  Rizal tenía 11 años cuando los sacerdotes fueron ejecutados. Paciano, su único hermano, 10 años mayor, había sido enseñado por el Padre Burgos, y vivió en su casa (creo que no en Vigan, sino en Manila).

Rizal later tried to locate the trial documents (perhaps both in Manila and in Madrid) but was unable to.  They seemed to have disappeared after the executions.  He dedicated El Filibusterismo to the three priests, saying "the Government, in surrounding your trial with mystery and shadows..." to leave the fact documented.  Enter Wenceslao Emilio Retana, who became a deputy of the Cortes and a respected historian of Filipino history.  He decided to republish the Fili in 1908, and in the Prologue (which Epifanio de los Santos declared "even more valuable that the 500 and so pages of Retana's Rizal biography), told how he, too, tried to dig up those trial documents. Retana went to the War Ministry in Madrid to try and investigate the events of the Cavite Mutiny. 

Rizal más tarde intentó localizar los documentos del juicio (posiblemente tanto en Manila como en Madrid) sin éxito. Parecen haberse desaparecido tras las ejecuciones.  Dedicó El Filibusterismo a los tres sacerdotes, diciendo que "el Gobierno. al rodear vuestra causa de misterio y sombras..." para dejar el hecho documentado.  Entra Wenceslao Emilio Retana, que se convirtió en diputado de las Cortes y un respetado documentarista de la historia filipina.  Decidió sacar una nueva edición del Fili en 1908, y en su Prólogo (que Epifanio de los Santos declaró "aún más valioso que las 500 páginas de su biografía de Rizal"), contó cómo él también intentó desenterrar los documentos del juicio. Retana se dirigió al Ministerio de Guerra en Madrid para intentar investigar los sucesos del motín de Cavite. 

Retana found nothing, and left his own testimony:  Nobody knows where the (documents are of the) great trial held in Manila because of the Cavite affair; we can certainly guarantee that it does not exist in any of the archives or in any office whatsoever in the War Ministry. Without that source of information, which is so necessary, the historian will never be able to make a definitive judgment about those events; nevertheless, there is nothing bold about stating that the execution of the three priests ... was an injustice, which History will have to condemn.

Retana no encontró nada y dejó su propio testimonio:  "...La gran causa que con motivo de lo de Cavite se instruyó en Manila, nadie sabe hoy donde se halla; desde luego, podemos asegurar que no existe en ninguno de los archivos ni en dependencia alguna del Ministerio de la Guerra. Sin esa fuente de información, tan necesaria, jamás podrá el historiador emitir un juicio definitivo acerca de aquellos sucesos; no obstante, no es aventurado afirmar que la ejecución de los tres mencionados sacerdotes fue una injusticia, que la Historia tendrá que condenar...".

Image result for la loba negra by jose burgosWenceslao Emilio Retana shortly before he died in 1924. He lived in Filipinas for 6 years and returned to Spain in 1890 with his new wife, batangueña, Spanish Filipina Adela Ramírez de Arellano, because he developed a heart condition.Wenceslao Emilio Retana  poco antes de morir en 1924. Vivió en Filipinas durante 6 años y regresó a España en 1890 con su nueva esposa, batangueña, la española Adela Ramírez de Arellano, porque desarrolló una enfermedad cardíaca.

Wenceslao E. Retana, de Alviach.jpg, according to Wikipedia, a photo taken in 1901. He was a year older than Rizal.  /  Según Wikipedia, una foto tomada en 1901. Tenía un año más que Rizal.


La Loba Negra was the result of historical research done by Padre Burgos in Intramuros, in the archives of the Real Audiencia de Manila and from the statements of eyewitnesses.  He relied much on a manuscript left by Pedro Alejo de Mendoza, Spanish Filipino, attaché of the Customs Guard, who held the trust of Governor General Fernando Bustamante y Bustillo.

La Loba Negra fue el resultado de la investigación histórica realizada por el Padre Burgos en Intramuros, en los archivos de la Real Audiencia de Manila y de las declaraciones de testigos presenciales.  Confiaba mucho en un manuscrito dejado por Pedro Alejo de Mendoza, español filipino, agregado de la Guardia de Aduanas, que tenía el fideicomiso del Gobernador General Fernando Bustamante y Bustillo.


 Image result for la loba negraI have just discovered that La Loba Negra has been presented as an opera.  But here, it says it is "a legend attributed to Padre José Burgos".  
Acabo de descubrir que La Loba Negra ha sido presentada como una ópera.  Pero aquí dice que es "una leyenda atribuida al Padre José Burgos". 

Legend?  Historical fact?  I for one find it so fantastic that I figure it must be true.   
¿Leyenda?  ¿Un hecho histórico?  Yo por mi parte lo encuentro tan fantástico que me imagino que debe ser verdad.  

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Guys guys guys - Familia familia familia - Mga minamahal at guinagalang


The days before Christmas are always crazy.

Los días antes de Navidad siempre se ponen muy locos.

I am so tired I am getting migraines with an aura -- ophthalmic migraines.  They are pretty cool because you start seeing flashing parallel zigzag dashes on the upper left corner of your inner screen, and your brain feels like it's full of clouds and you get this heavy, spaced-out feeling. 

Estoy tan cansada que estoy teniendo migrañas oftálmicas, son migrañas con un aura.  Son bacanes porque empiezas a ver líneas cortas zigzagueantes paralelas que relampaguean, en la parte superior izquierda de tu pantalla interior, y sientes que tu cerebro está lleno de nubes y te sientes un poco 

Then you know you need to rest.
Entonces sabes que necesitas descansar.


Hey Everybody, I just came across this AMAZING INTERVIEW, they are two Danish guys, Lucas Alexander of Age of Truth TV is interviewing an ex investment banker.

Oigan todos, me acabo de encontrar con esta ENTREVISTA INCREÍBLE, son dos tipos daneses, Lucas Alexander de Age of Truth TV está entrevistando a un ex-banquero de inversiones.

MADS PALSVIG ~ "Banksters vs. Slaves & 5G Depopulation Agenda" [Age Of Truth TV] [HD]

It is extremely interesting, two normal people (actually I suspect they are hybrids, Lucas especially) talking about a lot of stuff that is in the atmosphere and we don't know anymore what the hell to believe or not to believe.

Es extremadamente interesante, dos personas normales (en realidad sospecho que son híbridos, Lucas especialmente) hablando de un montón de cosas que hay en la atmósfera y ya no sabemos qué demonios creer o no creer.

So give it a watch and BELIEVE it goes on, it gets more and more fascinating.
Así que véanlo y créanme....a medida que avanza, se vuelve más y más fascinante.

I'll put my nose back on the grindstone, see ya later alligators.
Vuelvo a mis quehaceres y nos vemos más tarde, caimanitos queridos.

Image result for sweet alligatorImage result for sweet alligatorIn the old days you could paste images taken from the net.  Now they don't let you 99% of the time. These were images that they later "prohibited".  I can't even erase these gizmos (gray boxes).  So the images that are still in my blog posts are TREASURES.  I just LOVE them.  ;)

Antiguamente podías pegar imágenes tomadas de la red.  Ahora no te dejan el 99% de las veces. Estas imágenes (cajas grises) que luego "prohibieron".  Ni siquiera puedo borrar estos artilugios.  Así que las imágenes que aún permanecen en las entradas de mi blog son TESOROS.  Simplemente me ENCANTAN. ;)