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Friday, November 08, 2024



    I have to say that I'm glad Trump won, for the very simplistic reason of:  Duality.  Frankly, Biden & Harris & Diddy & Bush Senior & Baby Bush & Cheney Inc. --- servants of the Cabal whose known crimes go way back to the false flag that was the excuse for the Vietnam War (the Gulf of Tonkin Incident), the assassination of JFK --- I could go on and on --- I saw and see those characters as Bad People I.  

    The refusal of Trump during his presidency to sign the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership)(See note below) and his questioning of Obama's citizenship were the first things that made me believe that he was different.  A Loose Cannon to the System.

    All the Q drops, the story of the Biggest Sting Operation in the history of Humanity (allow them to commit crimes brazenly to convince the people ---because by their actions ye shall know them) was the other part.

    The in-yo-face cult of Satanism in Hollywood and the faces of famous idiots whom we have all seen making those hand signals, getting photographed together, getting filmed saying they sold their souls, appearing on stage with one eye twitching and staying shut... all the demonic rap performers, the white whores (you know who they are), the black whores, the whole lot of reprobates prancing around and showing off their mansions....

    I know a decadent, sick society when I see one, and even when it's masked, like Chilean society, and when it's openly crowing over a garbage heap pretending to be a functioning country ,like the one I was born in --- everybody too busy to notice, not wanting to notice, not even WANTING TO TALK ABOUT IT.

    Since I was five I knew something was going on that didn't make any sense.

    But back to Trump.  Yes, he is declaredly pro-Israel.  I am personally sick of Israel.  I've lived in Chile for 41 years, I married into a liberal Jewish family, I have a daughter who converted.  Even I thought of converting, and why? Because I had a wonderful mother-in-law, born in Berlin in 1924, went to Heaven in 2009, who in all things (except birthing me, sheltering, educating me and never forgetting my birthday with a card or a small check from overseas as my real Mom did), treated me as my birth mother couldn't, because my poor Mom never got love as a child.  But Lisa was like a mother to me.

    There are all kinds of Jews, and there are Zionists.  Zionists are the world's pain in the Ass.  I know we must love all human beings and practice compassion.  But some Zionists are NOT human beings.  Some Zionists are Dracos, or children of the Lizard People, their Masters.

    Lisa was a MENSCH (a Human Being, a Human Angel), a light during the years of nearly unbearable travail for me.

    But Israel, to me, is symbolic of everything wrong with our planet, and it has nothing to do with the Jewish faith.  As I said above, it has to do with Zionism, which deserves to be banished from our planet.

    I also know that in any war, the winning side always commits its own sins, piles up its own cadavers, hides its own abuses.

    Trump does have his intelligent contras, and they have also ended up dead or ostracized and silenced.  Certain people I do think are deserving of respect and a hearing, like Mike Adams of Brighteon, are cautioning against swallowing Trump's messianic message whole.  Another voice is Max Igan's, who is even more lapidary and calls Trump a Zionist stooge.

    I know that inside Israel there are groups of dissent, including in the IDF.  During the October 7 (which I believe is the Israelis' 9/11 Inside Job) operation IDF officers who were anti-Netanyahu were murdered.

    Are those good men and women the Israelis, the Israel, that Trump supports?

    It is very, very difficult to tell who are the real wolves disguised as messiahs.

    But if you observe them carefully over time, not just what they SAY but most of all what they DO, you can spot them.

    We have to walk very softly, always on the lookout for booby traps disguised as innocent patches of grass... and even when we feel a burst of optimism or joy, we still have to carry the burden in our hearts.

    Everything in this realm, in 3D, is shot through with deception, half-truths, half-lies.

    Inside me is where my ultimate certainty dwells, and it is not of this world.  

    Also, I don't fear death.  Death is ultimate deliverance from 3D.

    Yes, I fear torment, physical pain.  But somehow, that also passes.  If I pull out the short stick, or the bad card, so be it.

    Will Trump reveal himself?  He will.  All is revealed, especially now.  I've never been a Bible freak, but I can see with my own eyes that this is indeed the Apocalypse:  The Revelation.

 God exists.  This is the ultimate solace.  Ergo, so does Evil.

    But in some way that down here in 3D is impossible to dilucidate, even Evil comes from the Divinity.  

    Which returns me to the final conundrum:  all is Illusion here. What is not illusion is the purification of your and my spirit, which is only attained through conscious suffering, conscious free will, conscious Love.

    In other words:  3D, Maya, Samsara, is only half the equation. We can do all the research we want or are able to, but the Truth will not, cannot be revealed solely by 3D data, 3D intellection.  
    Our hearts are the final arbiters of what is True for each and every one of us: subjective truth.  

    Objective truth is the fusion of Intuition and the awakened consciousness's penetration of Dense Life, upon breaking through the threshold into 5D and higher dimensions, higher orders of perception, Being, Unity Consciousness.

    This is what the invisible War is all about. The Dark Ones want Humanity to stay asleep and in eternal war with itself in Samsara. The Forces of Light are all around us, inside us, above and below us.  They wait for the moment when we will open our eyes and SEE.

TPP:  The Trans-Pacific Partnership.  Under this "treaty", anytime that a state objected and put a stop to the activities of a given corporation by reason of the negative impact or damage that said activities were causing to the environment, the corporation could resort to the judiciary and file suit against the state to moot its legal action against said corporation. In other words, corporations were given sovereignty over the territory, and states or governments reduced to being their peons.

 Because Trump refused to make the U.S. a signatory, the TPP was effectively de-toothed, though not completely shut down.

Yes, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) was implemented in 2018 and has since entered into force for all 11 participating countries: 
  • Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, and Singapore
    The CPTPP entered into force for these countries on December 30, 2018.
WHAT'S NEXT FOR THE TPP:,the%20pact%20in%20early%202016.&text=These%20negotiations%20overcame%20significant%20political,in%20office%2C%20in%20January%202017.

The NAFTA trade agreement, it is now recognized, had disastrous consequences. This TPP is just the next Nafta for shafting our economies, especially farmers and workers, i.e., the real productive forces that keep our societies viable and in any semblance of health.

TPP is just one more underground reason why Trump was put in the crosshairs of the Cabal, targeted for lawfare throughout the fake Biden administration.

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