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Sunday, December 02, 2018

Tagalog words and Spanish roots / Palabras tagalas de raíz castellana

Lana = Lana (wool)
Arendá = Arrendar (rent)
Kalatas = Carta (letter)
Kalmá = Calma
Kurdión = Acordión
Kurós = Cruz
Korona = Corona
Turote = Trotar (to trot)
Pareho = Parejo (the same
Komediahan = Comedia
Palsó = Falso
Aspiá = Espía
Sisté = Chiste
Pileges = Pliegue (fold)
Makontrá = Contra, tener mucha contra, espíritu de contradicción
Malabatiba = Jeringarse.
Parti = Parte
Koles = verdura
Kangrena = Gangrena
Metsera = Mechera
Minudensia = Menudencia
Mesa = Reclinatorio
Misa = Misa
Punsión = Punción
Kapiraso, piraso = Pedazo, fragmento
Pino = Fino, delgado
Kadena = Cadena
Birso = Verso
Sapin, aporohan nang balat = Aforrar, forrar, superpuesto.  Aforrar de/con piel

SOURCE:   Diccionario Tagalog-Hispano Serrano-Laktaw

The videos below are no longer available  (18 May 2024)

Part 1 Tagalog and Spanish Words

Part 2 Tagalog and Spanish Words

Dear Family, querida familia,

I decided to go ahead, let it rip, and make this video about Spanish words that became incorporated into Tagalog, and some very interesting transformations of meanings that took place in the process.

Decidí rajarme con el huevo en la sopa y hacer este video sobre las palabras españolas incorporadas al tagalo. Y comentar algunas transformaciones de matiz que sucedieron en el proceso.

Image result for hispanic philippines
Mujeres yendo a misa / Women going to church mass

I hope you find them interesting.  I had to do two videos, Part 1 and Part 2, because my camera cut me off just when I was talking about "puta".  👀👀👀👿👿💩💩

Ojalá los encuentren interesantes.  Tuve que hacer dos videos, Parte 1 y Parte 2,  porque mi cámara me censuró mientras hablaba sobre "puta".  jejeje

Con cariño / Affectionately,

Image result for hispanic philippines

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