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Friday, December 07, 2018

A Thought

William Blake, Visions

   I just listened to a talk Vince Rafael gave in Ateneo on Rey Ileto's Pasyon and Revolution and by no means did I listen to it all, this is why this is just thinking aloud based on what I heard him say about the Tagalog verses in Pasyon, a book written in English, and his theory that English was some kind of blessing for Tagalog, and that the words of the peasantry were more important than the peasantry who spoke them.  Now all that is pretty hard to swallow whole.

   Ateneo, La Salle, Letran, Santo Tomas, not to mention the women's colleges -- there are good, even great universities in Filipinas, but universities were originally meant to give universal thought to society and to produce citizens committed to the development and progress of their country.  Not professionals and technocrats whose only commitment is the aggrandizement of their personal cachet and bank accounts and growing the gap between the privileged and the forgotten, the admired and the despised, the praised and spoiled and the enslaved, exported as slave labor.

    So great universities are those that make the countries they are in, greater.  Not poorer, not more corrupt, not more desperate just to feed their children.  They must produce professionals committed to finding ways to conserve the environment, to exploit resources sustainably, and not to sell their own people and country down the river to the multinationals (on whose boards of directors they aspire to sit -- if you are a director, you get a fat salary without lifting a finger, and there is no limit as to how many boards of directors you can be a member of. It's just a Rich People's Club).  Not to become politicians ready to use the public treasury as their own wallet for subsidies for their own businesses, to control the legislature and the judiciary so they can commit crimes with nary a worry of ever having to answer for them because they can make them the law of the land.  Democracy.  Sure.  Since 1946.  Who can question that Sacred Text?

    Open your eyes, look at Filipinas.  If you are in your 40s you can compare what she was like in 1970 and what she is like in 2018.  Could the United States have "given" Filipinas freedom?  No, all the U.S. did was put in their guys.  And that's everywhere, including the universities.  Especially the universities, and the churches.

     If we had truly great universities, 90% of our youth would not be cheated of their future just because they are poor, malnourished. They would not be condemned to ignorance and stupidity, and forced to agree to be trafficked.

      If there were a true Church in Filipinas, it would have done something long ago to mediate a peace process between the fighting armies, to help the families being broken apart by the OFW racket.  But no.  All priests and nuns do is act like priests and nuns.  It's all an act.  

      And you know what?  The same thing has been going on in Chile, in a less scandalous way, but elite rich Chileans ought to know better than to treat their fellow citizens like their chattel.  The Church here is being unmasked and exposed because very early on the Chilean people lost their innocence, unlike the Filipinos who are eternal religious virgins.  

      It is, however, the same evil that has taken over, all over the world.  ALL OVER THE WORLD IT IS THE SAME EVIL. Wherever there are still countries that help their citizens, that still have a lot of land, resources, natural wealth, the Evil is already getting to work on them, inventing falsities to be able to justify invading and reducing them to rubble, whether through economic panic or war, THEN their companies or their buddies' companies can then start to "rebuild" and "democratize" and "modernize", protected by the AMO's strongmen and weapons, of all kinds -- worldwide oppression mechanisms and bribed cohorts.  The Entire World is now a Mafia.

       In point of fact, Evil is profiting from the divisions between nations, between political and economic systems, between language groups and racial and religious groups.  It always has.  In all of the ruling circles, evil has nested and spawned.

      So don't believe that Filipinas is the private problem of Filipinos living inside Filipinas, as if you people who live there are the owners of it and so are the only ones who matter, at walang pakialam ang mga ibang pilipino na hindi tumitira sa Pilipinas.  This is not a problem of addresses and passports.

      But of course, nobody listens, nobody cares, and the institutions continue to act like they own everything, and they talk to each other, and even if nobody amongst the outsiders cares what they say,  it doesn't matter because they control the media, they have their choirs to preach to, and the huge business that they've controlled ever since the Americans arrived (not just in Filipinas, this is worldwide now).  And some of the entrenched, entitled parasites were already in control even before the Americans arrived. Yes, under the Spanish, or the Dutch, British, French, Belgians, Germans or the native royal families

      However, ALL HUMAN EMPIRES DECLINE AND FALL.  And even if this Empire is actually serving and is bossed by NON-HUMANS, the Galactic Federation is already working on getting the non-human parasites out of here.

      We human beings still have to get off our asses and do what we have to do, nevertheless. Even if it means for starters, waking up and expanding awareness, then taking baby steps. Taking action.  Building something invisible.

       Why is it so difficult to practice the Golden Rule?  Why are there so many fake Christians going to mass and looking the other way, acting deaf, blind and dumb?  I guess they have done it so long their brains atrophied and their souls gave up on them and left.

       I do know that it is a waste of time to think about the people who will never assume their human responsibilities farther than their own self interest.  But anyone reading this, or even anyone on this same vibrational frequency knows what they need to do, and they do it without fanfare, without a user's manual or human resource dept. guidelines.  Without giving any importance to whether they will get any kind of echo or whether "success" will come to their door and give them a prize (probably just to then send them off in chains to the gulag, or to the ovens).  We must continue to do the right thing, and change our mental and emotional habits that keep us inside the vicious mental circle that we have been CONDITIONED never to question, and to feel Stockholm Syndrome attached to forever.

      Believe me, the powers that rule the Universe are not interested in the tiny minority of reprobates and greedy unconscious and conscious enemies of Life, who are owned by the Darkness and work for their self-destruction.  Because we are tiny human beings they look huge to us.   But Earth is just a dust mote in the Major Plan.  We're just here for awhile, it's a boot camp, then we leave our physical vehicle here and head off to more interesting places.  It's not hard, because this is such a dump (I mean that so many of our fellow inhabitants here are dumpsters).  

      Don't give up, ever.  This is a planet of chimeras, but the heart, mind and body, in unity --this is actually what The Holy Trinity always meant-- never lie and they are our sure compass, because they are moved by soul and Spirit.

      Be true to your Being, be faithful to what you are.  Follow that quiet inner voice, no matter the price it demands of you.  For you will illuminate your final triumph.  The world will bend to your intent, the Red Sea will part, because Humanity is destined for Freedom.

      Because we are such potentially powerful, divine beings, the Evil has put us to sleep and keeps us mind-controlled, deceived and alienated from ourselves and each other.   

       And for now, try and break out of the silence, learn to talk to Spirit, Spirit is in you and in everything and everywhere around you, most of all, in the inner landscapes where your consciousness sees Light, where you heart feels Love, in capital letters.  For we need sustenance, we need support as we cross this desert, to be as gentle, tranquil camels serving the caravan of the humanity that wants rebirth, and reconciliation with Earth, all animals, and Spirit. That sustenance, support, love, loyalty, gentleness, tranquillity are all within.

        Finally, the less recognized, the more anonymous, the more ignored, the more insignificant we are, the better.  Being is why we are here.  Not Winning.

Hugs from ---

I call on William Blake's visions.  He said he was visited by angels each night.  He was always poor, happy with his wife, and worked hard all his life on his art with very little recognition and support only from a few who recognized his greatness as an artist and a human being.  
                                             William Blake,  The Vision of Christ
                                                        Image result for william blake angelsImage result for william blake angels
                                                 William Blake's Visions

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