Estoy hasta la tuza (up to my ears) con trabajo de traducción, muy aburrido pero hay que juntar pesitos.
Estoy escuchando muchos video-testimonios de personas que han tenido experiencias de casi muerte.
Los de Anthony Chene Production son excelentes.
También en UAMN TV, acabo de ver "Doctor Tells How She Returned from the Afterlife After NDE [FULL VIDEO]. Es la historia de Dr. Mary Helen Hensley.
Y en el canal AfterLife Evidence - International Foundation for Survival Research. Es el testimonio de Michelle Wulfestieg, directora ejecutiva de Southern California Hospice Foundation.
Ambas mujeres han tenido desde la infancia experiencias de contacto con el mundo de los espíritus, de familiares ya muertos, o al sufrir una emergencia médica entraron en la dimensión de Espíritu.
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I haven't had any incredible paranormal experiences, or near death experience. I believe that the people who have these experiences, like Americans, are people who are very far from Spirit and so they need to have a powerful religious experience. Or they are spirits, advanced souls (as in the case of Dr. Hensley) who take on the mission of incarnating into a nation like the U.S. which is suffering from loss of connection to Source Energy.
Now, for a nation like the Filipino people, we are extremely spiritual, we have never had much problem perceiving or feeling the presence of the spiritual dimensions. But our problem is that we have lost our way from accepting mediators -- priests (I include nuns here) -- with God, and we have accepted the doctrine that we are sinners and unworthy of God's Love. And that we must live lives of suffering in consequence. That suffering will save us. It will not. We are actually going against God's Law by accepting victimization and darkness.
I wonder, for instance, why -- in such an ultra-religious Catholic country like the Philippines, we have no Filipino canonized saints? In Chile there is Santa Teresa de los Andes, canonized in 1993,

and San Alberto Hurtado:
who founded el Hogar de Cristo, which are shelters for homeless children and old people. It says on this image: Patron of abandoned children and youths.
Where are the Filipino saints?
Something is not right.
I am sure there are many saints who have walked the soil of Filipinas. I know of one: a young man named Philip Pestaño. I have kept this article:
22:29 (hace 1 minuto)
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"Courage" AT 3:00 A.M. By James B. Reuter
The family of Phillip Pestaño, and his former classmates in the Ateneo de Manila, are making a strong effort to have the heroism of Phillip recognized. They are nominating him for the "Lux in Domino" award, given by the Ateneo. "Lux in Domino" means "Light in the Lord". And they want the ones who murdered Phillip at least tried in court.Phillip Pestaño graduated from the Philippine Military Academy. He was an Ensign in the Philippine Navy, cargo master on the Navy ship Bacolod. He confided to his family that this ship was loading logs, illegally. They were loading shabu, illegally. And the shabu was worth two billion pesos. And they were loading arms, which were being sold to the Abu Sayyaf.
Phillip, as cargo master, was asked to sign the document registering this cargo as legal. He would not sign it. His father received phone calls, saying: "Get your son off that ship! He is going to be killed!"
Phillip came home for two days, on leave. His father begged him not to return to the ship. Phillip said: "In conscience, I have to go back. I can not ignore this." His father kept trying to persuade him to resign, up to the last minute, on the night before he was to report back. When Phillip was already in bed, his father said to him: "Please, son! Don't go back!" But Phillip answered: "Kawawa ang bayan."
He reported back. The ship was scheduled to take a short trip from Cavite to the pier on Roxas Boulevard. This would normally take about 25 minutes. But on that day it took one hour and a half. When the ship docked, Phillip was dead - shot through the head. With him was a suicide note. The Navy recorded this as suicide.
But Phillip was scheduled to be married! He had already set the date. And the signature on the suicide note was not his. There were no powder burns on his hand, or on his head. So there was a Senatorial Investigation.
The report of the Senate was this:
1. The death of Phillip Pestaño was not suicide.
2. It was murder.
3. He was not killed in his stateroom, where the body was found.
4. He was killed somewhere else, and the body carried into his stateroom.
5. The murder was done by more than one, because the effort to cover up was so complex it could not have been done by one person.
All this happened eleven years ago, in 1995. Nothing has been done about it, to this day. So the schoolmates of Phillip are asking the Ateneo to give him this award, as a starting point. And there is a movement to bring those who killed him to trial.
But the important thing is not recognition! It is the reality! Phillip Pestaño was really a martyr. You are a martyr if you die for the faith, or for a Christian virtue. He died for justice. The fact is there - heroism. Whether it is recognized or not, it is still a beautiful thing, an inspiration to every Filipino.
I am sure, from what I have heard from people who have seen Heaven, that Philip is well and helping his country from the other side of the Veil. Dios te bendiga Philip, y tantísimas gracias por tu sacrificio en honor a la Verdad y la Virtud.
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