Every living body emits irradiations, they are electrical. Whenever anything is touched it collects irradiations. We would understand this better if we remembered the idea of the mirror. Everything reflects back.
Places where people have had strong emotions are full of strong irradiations, either negative or positive. Inanimate objects reflect the irradiations of living creatures.
There is an exception to this. In ultra-heavy matter, energy has become condensed to such a point that it escapes. Radioactivity could be one example of ultra-heavy matter. Ultra-heavy matter is dangerous because instead of reflecting irradiations, it emits them. The earth needs a minimum of emissary material, but men are accumulating too much of it. This is why this is a kairos time, a time of exceptional opportunity for those who want to acquire will, love and reason.
A great change is approaching in which positive forces must balance negative ones. The positive irradiations emitted by people of good will collect the neural irradiations emitted by ultra-heavy matter and form them into a protective barrier like a kind of jelly that absorbs and neutralizes negative irradiations.
We project all the time, either negativeness or positiveness. To positive irradiations are added neutral irradiations, in proportion to the strength of the positive ones. It does not matter what we think about other people, but it does matter what we project. To think good or bad about them affects nobody -- it neither helps nor hurts. But we do not realize how much our projections affect other people. If one says: 'So and so is ridiculous', that will not hurt them. But if one says: 'I love you' with a negative feeling, that will do harm. We do not realize the responsibility we have for everything we project. By this I understand: our possessiveness for example, or manipulativeness.
We have to project positiveness. Negativeness flows out of us and reflects on other people. It affects thousands of people all over the world. If we have positive irradiations they help not only us but other people, also all over the world. We must be very careful to project sincerity and strength. If we project positive irradiations we can leave their distribution to God.
Those who have seen truth irradiate goodness; we cannot imagine how strong these irradiations are nor to what tremendous distances they can reach. We are like radios. The moment we are negative we may tune in to the accumulated negativeness of someone, perhaps thousands of miles distant, who has been negative for years. There are many, many different wave-lengths, but there is always someone who has the same wave-length as our own, whom we affect and who affects us if we let him.
That is one reason why it is so necessary to guard against being negative, in order not to collect the negativeness of other people and add it to our own.
For this reason if we get mad at corrupt politicians or rail against the inhumanity of savage capitalism, we just feed them. Focusing on good-feeling thoughts and acting positively in our lives and toward others will change us and the world by projecting the power of love.
...When we are in harmony with each other we produce a very high energy that goes hundreds of miles to people who need it. If we have no harmony inside we cannot project it. Positive irradiations are made by will.
...When we are in harmony with each other we produce a very high energy that goes hundreds of miles to people who need it. If we have no harmony inside we cannot project it. Positive irradiations are made by will.
Meaning it is something we choose to do consciously. It isn't mechanical. It's a decision.
When we have found our real selves we will be able to irradiate positiveness.
We can find proof of the strength of our irradiations in the way they can change the weather. Sometimes in a drought people carry the image of a saint in procession and pray to it for rain. When the rain comes they think the saint has worked a miracle. In reality the force of their concentrated irradiations changed the atmospheric pressure and enabled moisture to be precipitated. People with faith knew this long ago by experience and science is beginning to find it out.
We can find proof of the strength of our irradiations in the way they can change the weather. Sometimes in a drought people carry the image of a saint in procession and pray to it for rain. When the rain comes they think the saint has worked a miracle. In reality the force of their concentrated irradiations changed the atmospheric pressure and enabled moisture to be precipitated. People with faith knew this long ago by experience and science is beginning to find it out.
Los Ojos del (Lago) Caburgua
South of Chile
The pools that are the source of this beautiful, pristine mountain lake, called its "eyes".
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