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Sunday, April 14, 2024

Tarot Reading 6: Rivalry / La Rivalidad


Esta Arcana representa la competencia entre dos personas (o más) que aspiran a la misma cosa, para esto necesitan conocer sus puntos fuertes y débiles, la habilidad para vencer al rival.

This Arcana represents the competition between two people (or more) who aspire to the same thing.  To defeat the competition, they need to know their strengths and weaknesses, their ability to defeat their rival.

En el campo de nuestra psicología, se libra una terrible batalla, entre el Enemigo Secreto y nuestra propia conciencia, nuestro propio Ser. →  LO INTERNO

In the field of our psychology, a terrible battle is waged between the Secret Enemy and our own consciousness, our own Being. → THE INTERNAL WORLD

I will summarize:  

Rivalry, competition over external things is a rivalry between my Personality and that of my "competitor".  Karma is deposited in the Personality.  The Personality is multiple and ever-changing.  Feeding the personality creates karma (enchainment).

We create the world outside with the world we carry within.

In contrast to Personality, Being is one and the same for all humans.  Achieving Being is Liberation, Unity, Freedom.

But as we are in 3D, the dimension of duality, we have to work out the problem of rivalry.  This we can only achieve through the virtues of Patience, Serenity, and Self-Observation.

The Egyptian Tarot's perspective is that of Transformation and Illumination.

All that is outside us is, first of all and finally, within us. 

There is a Rivalry, a struggle between the Earthly Human and the Celestial Human.

Martí spoke of the Human-Beast and the Human-Angel.

Back to the text of the Master Samael Aun Weor:

"Una cosa es el Hombre meramente Animal, i.e., el animal intellectual, y otra cosa muy different por cierto, es el Hombre Psicológico verdadero.  Formar al Hombre/la Mujer Psicológico es difícil.  Se trata de ORGANIZAR LA PSIQUIS ---que está desordenada--- para crear el verdadero y auténtico Hombre Psicológico.

"Trabajando sobre nosotros mismos, no nos identificamos jamás con ninguna circunstancia.

"La Personalidad interfere entre el cuerpo y el Ser.  Sirve de obstáculo para la Iluminación. Destruida la Personalidad y el Ego today interferencia subjetiva concluirá y el SER RESUCITARÁ dentro de nosotros para expresarse en toda su plenitud.  El SER, resucitado, se express con Sabiduría, Amor y Poder".

                                       ֍   ۝  ۞

"One thing is the merely Animal Man, i.e., the intellectual animal, and another very different thing, indeed, is the true Psychological Man.  To form the Psychological Man/Woman is difficult.  It is a matter of ORGANIZING THE PSYCHE ---which is disordered--- to create the true and authentic Psychological Man.

"By working on ourselves, we will never again identify with any external circumstance.

"The Personality interferes between the body and the Self.  It serves as an obstacle to enlightenment.  Once Personality and Ego are destroyed, subjective interference will end and the SELF will RESURRECT within us to express itself in all its fullness.  BEING, resurrected, expresses itself with Wisdom, Love and Power".



feel like a failure begging for money,


sit in a library just to stay dry,


take a long night bus to get some sleep,


whilst you ask yourself “why?”



everything you own in one bag,


nowhere to wash your clothes or self,


without a kitchen to cook a meal in,


no good for your mental health.   


 Let's compete for a world 
where there will no longer
  be winners and losers.

  Let's compete for 
who can love the most, 
  and the best.

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