Sunday, January 26, 2025
(See enlarged view below)'s a lot more info in that video: the U.S. Treasury has bought up all the banks and is relocated to Reno, Nevada on Indian Land.
Property taxes abolished.
Income Tax abolished.
If you have a humanitarian project, you will have the opportunity to present it for funding.
I would like to present a project for an Evolutionary School where children, young people and adults will learn to do Energy Work and Energy Healing.
To carry out such a project, I will request MedBed treatments to rejuvenate to age 35 and heal my respiratory condition.
I am now 70 years old and although I look younger than my age and am in reasonably healthy condition, I don't have the energy that I had when I was younger, besides having a chronic respiratory condition --- something like an early-onset COPD (congestive obstructive pulmonary disorder).
I spent my youth and adulthood doing volunteer work to form community groups and study groups, work shops in self-knowledge, non-violent political activism, energy work, being a therapist of energy medicine.
At the same time I was mothering, earning a living, studying history to become a writer. (It was hard going, but I always had lots of energy... until I noticed a decrease in my vitality and strength at age 62.)
I don't want to rejuvenate just to be an attractive female again (though why not, maybe I'll find a nice E.T. boyfriend who will finally "get" me).
No, it isn't about vanity or simplistic self-satisfaction. Rather, I would love to be an active participant in the creation of New Earth, while continuing to be of service to others, which is my essential nature.
Now, if all this that we are hearing about turns out to be just another MEGA SCAM, I will be okay with continuing to age and leaving my 3D vehicle.
Because on the other side of the Veil I will be a part of Heavenly Humanity. I'll continue studying and writing, I'll remain in contact with suffering humans down in 3D, learn how to be a guide and inspiration to them from the 8th Dimension.
But if we will be blessed with the New Earth (something I have dreamed of and worked for my entire life in this incarnation), oh, won't that be über wonderful?
It will be the most wonderful BLESSING. 💟👪👫💙💚💛💜
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5 D Chess
NEW VIDEO - We KNEW It: Trump's 90-Day Foreign Aid Freeze does NOT Include Israel, Ukraine! [BitChute Notification]
Friday, January 24, 2025
Monday, January 20, 2025
In case you've been in a coma, MedBeds cure all diseases with quantum energy, they enable amputated limbs, extracted teeth, etc., to grow back, they can also restore diseased organs to health, and they can reverse aging.
The treatments are very cheap or free. The priority patients will be children with terminal diseases.
The old can reverse their age a maximum of three times. However, you won't be young and clueless again. You will be as wise as you already are (or stupid, sorry) but your body will be young again.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
God can also speak through the mouths of society's outcasts.