cultivo una arroza blanca
Random thoughts to share. Pensamientos al tun-tun para compartir.
Hay Buhay (Oy Vey),
I know, I know, I am posting these LizNews and you are getting mighty sick of it. I am swiftly losing my 5 pelagato readers ("pelagato" --- Chilean for (más-menos) "scrawny hairless cat")...
Well, you are certainly FREE, free to ignore me, free to read the blogs with the five million readers and subscribers. I wasn't born on this Earth to have five million husbands. To have ANY husband, in fact. Why oh why was I born on this Earth? I won't know for sure until the Galactics land and there's a wing-ding as they move into your city (and mine --- btw this is a line from Sheryl Crow's "There Goes the Neighborhood", one of my fave songs).
I suspect, though, that I was born to frighten those five million prospective husbands away, HAHAHA.
Okay, listen, all bee-essing aside, it's Sunday, February 23, 2025.
Liz is starting the process of packing up everything, finding a decent moving company, and getting her nerdy ass out of this mountain cottage, snif-snof, bwaaaahhh.....leaving my beloved Cerro Pochoco, the birds who've sung to me for nearly ten whole years every morning, the scorpions I've avoided stepping on and getting stung by (I've saved them by sweeping them up into a dustpan and throwing them outside into the bushes)... the bunny rabbits and baby birds I've saved from my cats... not the snakes though...
Yes, leaving the mountain refuge and testing ground (winters are getting way colder, it's snowing more and more often), and moving to a cozy, tranquil alternative community in the municipality of La Reina.
Thanks to my loving family, a true gift from them.
Everything is upside-down in the world, things are changing at breakneck speed, and I LOVE CHANGE.
I'm an Aquarian. I'm a future human. Yep, I confess it. I love the past, and I am of the future. Love paradoxes. Paradoxes are a key sensitivity for poetry. Also, for existential survival, reconciliation and (with a bit of luck) bliss.
Mystery of mysteries. We have suffered. My God, how we have suffered. We have suffered so much, we've ceased to feel it. We've attached ourselves to suffering. The people who hurt us most, are the ones we refuse to separate from. I won't bore you with that litany though.
Our suffering is about to end.
I dare say.
I mean the dumb, senseless, collective misery of Humanity that goes on, second after second, minute after minute, without you and me even noticing or knowing or seeing ... but yes, we do feel it. In some part of ourselves, in some atom of our physicality, we do.
It's got to happen. So we finally let go.
The conscious part is what brings on the pain.
You know, here's the secret of why Humanity has been Asleep for eons: consciousness hurts.
Before it brings peace, awareness must go through pain.
It's extremely uncomfortable to move from sleep to waking state. Like a plane that has to rev its motors to start rolling down the tarmac, and it has to make a HUGE NOISE and rocket engines THRUST, before it can lift off.
Then, it's just the air flowing past the wings... and you've left that stone-cold, hard ground behind.
You're in flight.
I've been in flight for many years now. Got used to flight. (No, not escape: flight.)
And I tell you, I swear to God, I don't really miss the cold hard ground.
It wasn't for me any longer, past a certain age and experiential threshold.
So all this that's happening, to me, is all of Humanity going through that revving-up of jet engines.
Lots of people don't want to lift off.
The majority like 3D, jes fine.
3D is known, comfy, numbness.
And their Freedom is Sacrosanct.
They won't take flight.
They'll go six feet under, or return to dust inside a high-tech coffin.
The good news is that, once free of their envelope, they'll soar anyway. Just that it won't feel like soaring. Not for a long while. They're gonna be pretty lost, they won't have a navigation system, they'll be adrift.
Because they were adrift in 3D, and it was what they chose, freely.
Well... maybe not so freely. They just were at the level they were at.
To each his / her own level, soul journey, spirit process, evolutionary path, human freedom.
May you all surpass Suffering and find your Happiness.
See you in the Empyrean (my fellow fliers).
Okay, this "Shut the Front Door!" Platform is still refusing to let me copy and paste screenshots.
Go to
"Another item that the Deep State elite have hidden for themselves were (sic/was) the high technology of Med Beds. Med Beds work with your DNA and Body Rhythms so (your body) can heal itself (of) all health problems. Trump headed the manufacture of Med Beds when he first went into office in 2016. Medical personnel were (sic/are) presently being trained (in) how to use Med Beds.
Trump put the military in charge of Med Beds, where treatments are free. Don't allow any business to charge you for their use. Trump has said they will be in all hospitals and in certain Med Bed Centers by around March 15, 2025.
(Remember that dates are not 100% for certain sure.)
I found this testimonial/article (photo is from actual article):
With Patriot Party News, Michael Chesebro found a sense of community, and a place where conspiracy theories could become real in the form of the “medbed.”
The following paragraphs are the last ones:
“I’ve got so many issues I barely know where to start,” he said. “I guess let’s do it for back pain and inflammation.”
Andrea punched in a few codes and the bed began to recline and then vibrate. Michael pulled a blanket over his chest and took out his phone to type a quick note into the chat forum on Patriot Party News. “FOMO!” he wrote. “Haven’t been on for a bit because I’ve got the whole family getting Baxter treatments.” He checked back a few moments later to track the flow of replies.
“Thank God! Medbed miracle!”
“Can’t wait until Trump makes these available for all true Patriots.”
Andrea came back into the room and stood by the doorway, holding up her own phone. “People on the platform are so excited,” she said. “Is your back starting to feel better at all?”
He shifted in the bed and stared up at the ceiling, trying to believe, working to align his mind with the right frequencies.
“You know what?” he said, after a moment. “I think it does.”
Just two of the benefits are: employment, and
smaller man-boobs.
Del celebrates Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s monumental confirmation as HHS Secretary live from Washington, D.C., just moments after the vote. This historical win holds an emotional weight as it sparks a critical change for the chronic disease epidemic and vaccine safety, aligned with ICAN’s mission.
Finally, the fact that vaccine injury exists will be recognized and investigated.
TELEGRAM CHANNEL: Noticias Rafapal, [02/02/2025 18:31]
Esta fuente de Q avisa de que se está cociendo una rebelión en el ejército y los servicios de inteligencia israelíes
Noticias Rafapal, [02/02/2025 18:31]
Near 100,000 IDF ( Israel Defense Forces) have abandoned the Israeli military and Intelligence operations.
This intel is also confirmed by U.S. Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson,<
Israel is in self-destruction as the Israeli Military is heavily divided in operations against its own military operations.
//// There is Major Panic in Israel as the military forces start internal campaign against Netanyahu.
There is also Major Panic that Turkey is planning to make a major military chess move against Israel. This comes from U.S. military Intel assessment.
Israel is in panic because the last real major war they were in was in 1962 .
And to this day they are only fighting rebels and small military coalitions .
WIRES>]: Netanyahu is refusing to fly these past months without heavy armed military operations.
Now that Trump is back in public power... He's ensuring THE STORM OPERATIONS SPEED UP in several world countries.